
The Best Cocoa Beach Boat Rental: 321 Boat Rental has the largest fleet in Central Florida!

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Many boaters don’t realize just how close Cocoa Beach is to 321 Boat’s location on the Indian River Lagoon in Melbourne. Whether you’re visiting or living in Cocoa Beach, if you’re looking for the best boat rental around, 321 Boat Rentals has you covered. It’s a short drive from Cocoa Beach to 321 Boat Rentals, […]


Best Snorkeling in FL: Where to Snorkel in Melbourne and Cocoa Beach

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Florida is well-known for miles of alluring coastline, deep blue ocean waters, plenty of sunshine and some of the best snorkeling in the country. Cocoa Beach and Melbourne are especially popular for those renting a boat to take a sneak peek under the water because there is just so much to see.  Sebastian Inlet State […]


Tips for Success on Your First Fishing Trip

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If you’ve never been fishing, we highly recommend crossing this off your bucket list! If you didn’t grow up in fishing family or other guidance, you might be baffled as to where to start. No problem! We know our way around a tackle box and we’re happy to help you get started. You might discover […]

Water skiing

Where Can I Find the Best Water Skiing in Florida?

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If you’re looking for natural beauty and exciting water sports combined, look no further than the Indian River Lagoon in Central Florida! Let us fill you in on a few of the qualities that keep experienced and beginner skiers coming back again and again.  Ease of Access If you rent a boat with 321 Boat […]

mother's day

Mother’s Day on the Water

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Looking for a fun, unique idea to celebrate Mom this year? Look no further- take her out for a day of fun on the water with 321! We’ve put together a collection of nautical gifts and cards for you. This way, you can either surprise her with a card and take her boating on Mother’s […]


Where Can I Go Tubing Near Me?

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The best spots in Florida In our opinion, the Indian River Lagoon is one of the best places to go tubing in the state. Riding on a tube that’s being towed behind a boat can be a lot more fun and exciting than a lazy-river style afternoon floating around. Check out all the reasons that […]


Fishing on the Treasure Coast: What Can I Catch?

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Florida is arguably one of the best fishing destinations in the world: over 900 world records have been set by Florida fishermen, which is more than any other state or country in the world. A huge variety of fish can be caught on the Treasure Coast, especially in the Indian River Lagoon, including speckled trout, […]

Nurse Sharks

What Wildlife Will You See in the Indian River Lagoon?

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What kind of wildlife can you expect to see while boating with 321 in Indian River Lagoon and its surrounding waters? The answer is: lots! The lagoon actually has more species of plants and animals than any other North American estuary, making it a fascinating location to observe the wildlife of all kinds. From turtles […]

wakeboard game

Step Up Your Wakeboard Game

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Wakeboarding has been around for over 30 years The water sport has its origins in snowboarding, water surfing and skiing. Fastened to a board and towed behind a motorboat that moves at speeds of approximately 30 miles per hour, the excitement is just unimaginable. For starters, you can ride the water surface. Wakeboard pros can […]

spoil island

The Indian River Lagoon Spoil Island Guide

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Stopping off at an island for an afternoon picnic or shell hunt is a must when cruising the Indian River Lagoon. There are many spoil islands located in the lagoon that 321 Boat Club members can anchor down at and bring relaxation to a new level. If you’re going to be stopping off to check […]


10 Reasons To Fall In Love With Boating

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For those living near, or traveling to, large bodies of water, recreational boating can provide hours of family fun. Florida’s excellent climate permits boating enthusiasts year-round options. Whether you’re a resident of our great state or visiting from a land-locked region wishing to take advantage of all that Florida has to offer, here’s a list […]

pontoon boat

5 Ways to Use a Pontoon Boat

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Pontoon boats are the most versatile boats available as they are a perfect for a wide variety of activities.  No matter what kind of activity you are interested in, a pontoon boat can most likely satisfy your needs. This is why these boats are so popular among groups and families. When going out on the […]

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