321 BLOG

Should I Wear Boat Shoes on Boats?

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Shoes aren’t your first thought about enjoying the boat with family and friends. However, it is an important part of ensuring safety while boating. Fancy dress shoes are obviously not the safest choice for a slippery boat, but what about boat shoes? People began making a fashion statement of deck shoes, wearing them as part […]


What You Should Know About Boat Insurance

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While you’ve been enjoying the warm waters around the Banana and Indian Rivers with your membership at 321 Boat Club, you might be thinking about buying your own boat. Part of owning a boat is insuring it, and it is a significant cost you should be considering when working out your budget whether you’re shopping […]


Safe Summer Fun Means Children Wearing Life Jackets

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Talking about water safety isn’t an attempt to be a buzz-kill, rather an effort to help ensure that your water fun remains that – fun. A report from a few years ago cited that 85% of drowning victims were not wearing life jackets, that’s a big number. Watching the kids is a full-time job, these […]


10 Reasons To Fall In Love With Boating

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For those living near, or traveling to, large bodies of water, recreational boating can provide hours of family fun. Florida’s excellent climate permits boating enthusiasts year-round options. Whether you’re a resident of our great state or visiting from a land-locked region wishing to take advantage of all that Florida has to offer, here’s a list […]

pontoon boat

5 Ways to Use a Pontoon Boat

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Pontoon boats are the most versatile boats available as they are a perfect for a wide variety of activities.  No matter what kind of activity you are interested in, a pontoon boat can most likely satisfy your needs. This is why these boats are so popular among groups and families. When going out on the […]

boat club

4 Reasons to Join a Boat Club

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As the old saying goes, the two best days for a boat owner is the day they buy the boat, and the day they sell the boat. While it seems like fun to own a boat of your own, there are several challenges involved in boat ownership. But there is a safe alternative that will […]


5 Reasons for Boating on the Indian River Lagoon

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There are many advantages to taking a boat out on the water for the day. This is even more true when it comes to boating on the Indian River Lagoon. Made up of the Mosquito Lagoon, the Banana River, and the Indian River, and serving as a part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, the Indian […]


The Indian River Lagoon: An Estuary of National Significance

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The Indian River Lagoon is a 156-mile long estuary on the east coast of Florida. It is made up of three different lagoons; the Mosquito Lagoon, the Banana River, and the Indian River. Featuring 2,100 different species of plants and 2,200 different species of animals, the lagoon is the most biologically diverse estuary in North […]

bottlenose dolphins

The Bottlenose Dolphins of the Indian River Lagoon

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The bottlenose dolphin is one of the most popular and well-known creatures of the sea. A trip to a facility where bottlenose dolphins reside will undoubtedly feature a bottlenose dolphin show where these intelligent mammals perform complex tricks guided by human trainers. While kids and adults alike enjoy seeing these dolphins display their skills in […]


3 Common Boat Superstitions

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Centuries of sailing have brought with it many superstitions that are sometimes carried on today. While these superstitions, and the origin of them, may seem absurd to some, they are an important part of the history of boating. Most of these superstitions began centuries ago when goods that were exchanged across an ocean had to […]

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